Amie's Fitness + Nutrition

How it works


No matter what your age or physical condition, losing weight is a process. If you’ve tried – and failed – to slim down in the past, you know that it’s not just a matter of cutting calories. The types of food, when you eat them, how much you eat, and how you eat them all affect your results.

What’s more, though exercise is important for getting fit and speeding up your metabolism, exercise alone will not necessarily get you to your weight loss goals. Even if you work out like crazy, if you’re not feeding yourself properly, you won’t always lose weight. Diet is 80% of weight loss.

With Amie's Nutrition Program, the focus is on balancing your blood sugar so that you don’t experience highs and lows in your energy and moods. There’s no calorie-counting involved; instead you choose from a variety of ‘real’ foods that give you the nutrients you need to keep your blood sugar in balance and avoid the cravings that coming with deprivation. 

This program is not a diet. It emphasizes a sustainable lifestyle approach to weight management, integrating nutrition, fitness, and behavioral aspects of eating. The key to any successful, healthy weight loss strategy comes down to managing calories and healthy portions over time. You’ll learn how to do just that.

Your age, gender, lifestyle, history with food and diets, exercise, injuries, and overall well-being make you the individual you are. That’s why Amie's Nutrition program focuses on you and what you need to achieve results.


I tried every diet on the planet before I met Amie. She taught me how to eat RIGHT. I lost 45 pounds in 8 months and I’ll never have to diet again. I would recommend her program to anyone; this is a lifestyle change—not a quick fix. I’ll never put that weight back on because of what she’s taught me.
— Teri

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